Saturday, July 18, 2009

Getting Started

Most of the chores are done, just waiting on some laundry to finish up, and Chase is still asleep. This leaves a little time for me to do something like this... we will see how good I am at keeping up with it.
Thursday I took Chase to get his two month old pictures. He did really good, smiled for pretty much every picture. We went to Sears just down the road, thanks for that suggestion Jill! Chase got a little tired towards the end, which resulted in a little fussiness, but Bernice, the photographer, is soooo good with him. Here are some pictures from that session. Chase has added so much to our lives and is a lot of fun, life is just getting better everyday!


Unknown said...

Chase is too cute!

i am glad you started a blog site.

love, DeeDee

Jill White said...

Yay! You got the pics to download. Don't worry about posting constantly.... make the blog on "your" time. I'm going to go add you to my Friend list NOW.

Unknown said...

Chase is quite da man. Can't wait to read about your future adventures in mommy-land. When you get really serious, you can add advanced features like a "counter"....oooohhhhh..