Sunday, September 20, 2009

Dinner with DeeDee and Bobo

Saturday night Chase and I went to go have dinner with DeeDee and Bobo while Danny slept before work. We were there about 15 minutes when Uncle David and Aunt Jill showed up to drop their kids off, before they went out to eat. Chase loves to see other little people, and he enjoyed seeing his cousins for a little while.

Here is DeeDee with a little Chase time before the cousins arrived

Bobo reading his grand kids a book, with a little help from Devon

Devon making sure the boys stick together and Leah riding on the train

Then Devon showed Chase how the train worked, and Chase was paying attention to every word Devon said

Ella was busy making some pants for Danny and Leah decided Chase was hungry and needed a hug.... both girls have the motherly instinct..


Jill White said...

I haven't been able to watch the video yet... I hope Devon and Leah were nice to Chase. Enjoyed seeing all the pics of the cousins together! Thanks for posting.

Jill White said...

Wow, Chase doesn't even seem to mind Leah "feeding" him. (I don't think those pants are going to fit Danny.. haahahha)

Kara Elizabeth said...

I know! Chase loved it! I think he really liked being around small He was talking to them and just watching everything they did.