Saturday, October 24, 2009

Star Wars in Concert

So we didn't really have a anything going yesterday for our family Friday... we all stayed home together and that was nice. However, we did have some fun this last week! Tuesday evening Danny and I went to see 'Star Wars in Concert' It was pretty cool. The 'soul' of C3P0 was the narrator, and he did an excellent job. And the orchestra was wonderful. They also had some of the original costumes from Star Wars on display in the lobby. It was a great evening.


An Ewok!


Darth Vader

There was quite the crowd trying to see the Darth Vader costume...

Finally got a closer look, but someones head was still in the way...

Here I am barely escaping an explosion!

Classic Star Wars theme song. The orchestra did a great job, and it was a really cool show.