Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Random Pictures

Chase went to the doctor today, he is 22.8 pounds and 29 1/2 inches long. He's off the growth chart, the doctor is convinced we have a huge baby on our hands. He sure has made up for his rough start!!! Chase is pretty much crawling now, which also blew the doctor away, apparently most babies don't crawl until 8 months. He definitely has the army crawl down, with a few normal crawls every now and again. He is sitting on his own with no problem. Chase is also on the "2" foods and is loving every bite of it.

We are going to have to lower the mattress, Chase has discovered how to pull the mobile closer to him... lets play I spy a baby's head in the mobile...

Chase has never really been a nap kind of guy. I don't know if he thinks he is going to miss something, if he just thinks he is too old for naps or what the problem is. Lately he has been playing himself to sleep, it's actually kind of funny. You hear him screaming and playing and bouncing around, then out of nowhere, you look over and see this...

Silly kid.