Sunday, April 4, 2010

Saturday Easter Festival!!

Saturday our church, Trinity UMC, held it's annual Easter gathering. Usually we have an egg hunt, but this year we decided to have kids come and do some Easter crafts, and had a band, and of course, the EASTER BUNNY!!! It was a lot of fun and Chase even made a new friend!

Our festival started at two, so Chase went to DeeDee and BoBo's to nap before he came to play. When DeeDee and BoBo brought Chase to the festival, he was rested, happy and ready to play!!

Chase and his new friend Jacob, Jacob was born only 14 days after Chase...

Chase was trying to tell Jacob that HIS dad was the Easter bunny...


Blurbs From Becky said...

That is such a cute photo. Glad he wasn't afraid. Chase is turning into such a handsome young man!
Aunt Becky