Saturday, December 31, 2011

Our first complete family Christmas

Santa came!!! We were so excited for this Christmas because it was the first one with our complete little family. Kaylee was the best gift of all this year!

We waited and waited for Chase to wake up Christmas morning, of all mornings to sleep in!! He didn't wake until almost 10 o'clock! But boy was he happy when he saw what Santa had brought...

Thomas the Train!!!

A coloring easel!!! Looking back, this may not have been the best gift for our creative little 2 year old, as the dresser and bedspread have already got some extra color now too...

Oh YEAH!!!!

One of his favorite presents, the Mobigo touch screen computer with the Toy Story game!

Playing with the farm

Kaylee and her stocking

Chase getting into his stocking

Presents from mommy and daddy

Playing the new Sesame Street game with Daddy and his new headlamp. What an awesome Christmas we had!!!