Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Too much TV...

Chase LOVES television. It's probably not the best to let him watch as much as he does, but hey, Nick Jr says it's like preschool on tv, so maybe he is learning something too! Chase has his favorites... Thomas the Train, Dora the Explorer, Jack's Big Music Show... and probably the all time favorite.. Wow Wow Wubbzy. Lately Wow Wow Wubbzy has had a lot of "kickity kick balls" on and Chase is also pretty fascinated with balls right now so I think that is why he is so into this show. One of Chase's favorite things to do, besides watch tv, is to push or throw a ball and then crawl after it, he can do that for hours... which is good exercise I guess!!!

Watching Wow Wow Wubbzy...

It's even better up close and upside down!!

Hey! It can't be over yet!!! Wubbzy come back!!!


Anonymous said...

What about Barney? Chase still likes that show too!

What a little cutie and so busy!!!

love, Dee Dee and Bobo