I love the fall, there are so many fun things to do!! Here are some pictures of our trip to the Pumpkin Town pumpkin patch, Kaylee's first experience for pumpkin picking...
What a character!!!
Kaylee is not too sure about this...
But she WAS sure about this playhouse!!
She kept opening the shutter, sticking her head out and laughing, then shutting it real quick!
Dora furniture in a playhouse!!! This little girl was in heaven...
Chase was having fun on the inflatables and the big slide! (That made mommy really nervous!)
Now to do what we came for... find a pumpkin!!!
Found one!!
Look!!! I can't believe they make little ones too!!!!
Saturday, October 20, 2012
Pumpkin Town
Posted by Kara Elizabeth at 1:48 PM 0 comments
Sunday, October 7, 2012
Fall is here, and so is the Fair!
It's fair time! Lot's of firsts this year at the fair, Kaylee's first time to go, Chase's first time to ride some rides alone, and of course all the interesting fair food. Kaylee ate some funnel cake, tried some corn dog, blooming onion, strawberry smoothie, bread from a ribeye steak sandwich... she knows how to do the fair right!
This year they had a butterfly exhibit in the Quicktrip center, you could feed the butterflies and hold them. I love butterflies, but was not interested in these huge things landing on me, Chase and Grampy went in and had a good time!
After walking around inside for a little bit, we went out to the rides...
I think there are pictures of me when I was a kid riding this same ride!!
Don't smile, keep the cool biker face on....
Kaylee played the duck game, she REALLY is in to Dora, and wanted that Dora doll REALLY bad...
And she picks a winner!!!
Unfortunately, to get the more "popular" blow up dolls, you have to play twice. So Kaylee ended up with this weird squeaky unicorn thing, that she seemed very happy with.
The looks on their faces say, "mom! Quit taking pictures!" too bad, that's just what I do...
This was probably Chase's favorite thing, he was SO proud of himself for getting through all the obstacles and going down the huge slide at the end...
Now seriously, why would they have an unattended chair at the top of the slide. That is just asking for a kid to climb on and fall over the side... made me totally nervous. At least Chase was too excited to slide to notice the chair!!!
Chase's first roller coaster ride, Danny had to show him the ropes on what to do when riding...
Then Chase rode it all by himself..
And a pony ride to end all the rides..
So Danny is a bacon lover, and I knew he would want the chicken fried bacon. However, I did not know he would have a bacon brother... like father, like son!!!
Love that picture!!!
Chase ate almost two orders of this bacon..
What a day...
Posted by Kara Elizabeth at 11:15 PM 1 comments