Tuesday Chase went to see Dr. Gordan for his two month old shots.. He did really good. It wasn't as bad as I thought it would be, but it was by no means fun. He did the air cry, and then a loud scream cry and then it was basically over and he went to sleep. We thought he might sleep a while so Danny and I tried to go out to eat, of course as soon as the food was set on the table Chase smelled it and his eyes popped wide open. Our big baby now weighs in at 14 1/2 pounds and is 25 1/2 inches. The doctor said he looked great, (even with him averaging the size of a 5-6 month old), and said we should be expecting football recruiters to be calling any day. Ha!
So unlike most babies after they get their shots, Chase was wide awake all afternoon (except for the 10 minutes he slept immediately after the shots). Here is a video of when we got home and Chase told the parrot and the blue elephant all about his experience...
Friday, July 31, 2009
First Shots
Posted by Kara Elizabeth at 1:24 PM 1 comments
Labels: Doctor visit
Saturday, July 25, 2009
Holy Moses!
So the other day Chase was watching the "Smile" channel, which is basically Christian singing and dancing shows all day, and few cartoons. The cartoon about Moses when he was a baby was on and Chase was really enjoying it,(well maybe he was a little bored of it if you interpret yawns into boredom...haha). But he did seem to be pretty content. It made me laugh a little when Moses was put in the basket into the river on the cartoon because one of Chase's first pictures strongly resembled this.
DeeDee was the first to notice this resemblence, and when I saw the cartoon, I thought it was pretty similiar, down to the blue blanket and all. Unfortunately I didn't get a picture of the tv with Moses in the basket. I was filming the show a little bit, when something totally unexpected came up at the end. It's almost like one of those emails you would get where you are staring at the screen and then all of the sudden the scary face pops up... I think this is suppose to be hickory dickory dock or humpty dumpty I don't know, but it sure looked scary and came out of nowhere!!!
Posted by Kara Elizabeth at 2:03 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, July 22, 2009
Feet Footage
Chase's feet are very dear to many (one in particular, my Aunt Suzy)... when Chase was born and the nurses took him away, Chase's feet were the only things visible for quite some time. Everyone who waited anxiously to get the first look at our baby, looked at two flexed feet, with toes spread wide, under the curtain behind the window of the newborn baby viewing area. I am not sure why the curtain remained closed, I guess they were working on him since he had a few problems right after birth, but nonetheless the feet were what everyone saw first. Chase still has his feet flexed and toes spread most of the time. I believe he will have Danny's caveman feet, but they are still some of the cutest feet ever. Here is Chase discovering the water with his feet....
Posted by Kara Elizabeth at 10:51 PM 1 comments
Saturday, July 18, 2009
Getting Started
Most of the chores are done, just waiting on some laundry to finish up, and Chase is still asleep. This leaves a little time for me to do something like this... we will see how good I am at keeping up with it.
Thursday I took Chase to get his two month old pictures. He did really good, smiled for pretty much every picture. We went to Sears just down the road, thanks for that suggestion Jill! Chase got a little tired towards the end, which resulted in a little fussiness, but Bernice, the photographer, is soooo good with him. Here are some pictures from that session. Chase has added so much to our lives and is a lot of fun, life is just getting better everyday!
Posted by Kara Elizabeth at 1:06 PM 3 comments