Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Mr Maniac

Chase has really been going all out when it comes to maniac-ness lately. He has pulled plates off the wall at DeeDee's, (how he reached them we will never know), he discovered the monitor in his room and found it to be a toy unplugging it and throwing it to the floor, (this is usually out of reach, but Daddy thought for some reason Chase wouldn't discover it on the back of his crib), he refuses to sit more than 2 minutes in the bath, he would prefer to stand, (which is not allowed), and he really goes nuts when he is at DeeDee and Bobo's house in his walker, or should I say runner...

And Mr Mischievous with what was left of the monitor after he unplugged and threw the main part on the floor...


Anonymous said...

yes, you have a maniac on your hands, but he sure is a cute one!!! I love the kisses he gives.

love, DeeDee