Saturday, February 19, 2011

Nice day for a trip to the zoo!

70 degree weather a week after negative temps... couldn't help but get outside, and where else would we go?? The zoo of course! We love our zoo friend membership!

The elephant came to eat some lunch right in front of us!

Do you see that Dad?!?!?!

The zoo is so fun now that Chase can run around on his own and is starting to talk! Here he is pointing out the goat...

He was REALLY into the fish in the rainforest area..

I was taking the video when a guy walked up next to Chase, you can't really hear, but Chase tells him that there is a fish. He turns around and the look on his face cracks me up, it's like he is so proud of himself... ya you told him Chase...haha

We had to stop at the playground before we left. Definitely could not just walk on by the Choo choo in the park!


Anonymous said...

What a fun day at the zoo with mommy and daddy! Chase is a lucky little boy.

love, DeeDee