We took a day trip down to OKC and checked out the zoo. It was super cool. Our zoo here in Tulsa is nice, but we were really impressed with this zoo.
In the childrens area, there was a place where the kids could walk through a little stream... Kaylee thinks she is so big.
And slides..
They had a bird area, where you could buy nectar and the birds would come and eat it right out of your hands!
I didn't realize birds had tounges until this one was literally licking Danny's neck!
I think Chase was starting to get a little nervous...
This gorilla had a cut on his head, and was trained to come sit by the window so that veterinarians could examine it from behind the glass. I couldn't believe it still sat so still for kids too!
For some reason, this guy's face reminded me of my Papa...haha
This little baby monkey was injured by another chimp, and had to have it's arm amputated. It still gets around amazingly well
There is actually a lot more to see at this zoo, but too bad, I forgot to charge my camera battery so that is all the pictures we took. But what a great day we had!!!
Saturday, September 15, 2012
Oklahoma City Zoo
Posted by Kara Elizabeth at 10:34 PM 1 comments
Chase starts preschool
Chase is now an official school boy. He is in a three year old class at Asbury, and he LOVES it. He has what seems to be a crush on a girl named Francie and another girl named Jordyn. It's too soon for him to be a ladies man! Girls are still suppose to have cooties when you are three!
The first couple of weeks at school was an "adjustment" time, so the kids could get use to their new routine and their new friends. Chase definitely used that time to adjust, and is now doing very well at school! In fact, this week, he was chose to put the letter of the week, the "B" on the letter tree!!! Only well behaved kids get to do that, so I was super happy to hear that he was chose, and he was beside himself that day.
Here are a few pictures of his first day....
So happy and excited to start school!!! I hope he always feels this way about it! He kept checking the clock... is it 9 yet????
On our way...
Finally at the school!
Wait... you are leaving me here by myself????
Posted by Kara Elizabeth at 10:07 PM 0 comments