Saturday, August 10, 2013

Kiddie Park!!!

We have been wanting to go to the Kiddie Park in Bartlesville for some time now, and we FINALLY made it!!! The kids had a blast, Kaylee even rode the roller coaster! She hated an airplane/rocket ride and we had to stop the ride and get her off, other than that she was her normal fearless daredevil self, willing to ride everything. She was super excited about riding a 'Dora' boat, and had to be told several times by the boat operator to sit down. Chase waited patiently for his turn on the Thomas car, he was told it was broken and they weren't letting any kids ride on it, but Mr notice everything saw from across the park a kid riding in it later in the night, so we had to rush over and get his turn. We had a great time and are excited to go back again sometime!