Tonight was the annual QT picnic at Incredible Pizza. We were excited to take Chase because we knew he would be amazed by all the lights and noise in the game room. I think his daddy was just as amazed by all the games too...
Chase had a lot of fun watching the other kids run around and play games, and his daddy got him a good collection of tickets that were stored in the stroller, so he felt like he fit in with the other kids and all their tickets...
I tried to convince Chase to ride the horse in the kiddie area, but he wasn't too interested. (Note: next month Sears is doing a special Western theme photo session with Chase, I hope this is not an indicator of what these pictures will be like!)
Really all Chase wanted to do is play games like the big kids. We let him try to play a few, and then we let him think that he won all the tickets...
Chase ended up getting a giant koosh ball with all of his tickets and he got his mommy a neat plastic ring. What a nice son I have... who was completely worn out by the time we left...
Thursday, August 27, 2009
QT picnic at Incredible Pizza
Posted by Kara Elizabeth at 9:57 PM 0 comments
Saturday, August 22, 2009
First Family Pictures
We had our first family pictures made at Sears with my favorite photographer, Bernice. Chase did so good, as usual, doesn't take him much to get a big smile.
And a few just of Chase for his 3 month old pictures....
This one is one of my favoites, DeeDee made Chase this beautiful white blanket for his baptism
Bernice the photographer liked this one the best, she said she has never had a 3 month old point at her like he was saying "I told you..."
Posted by Kara Elizabeth at 1:29 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, August 19, 2009
3 months old and self portraits with Mom
Chase is three months old now, here he is sitting by himself like a big boy on the couch on his three month birthday.
These other pictures are self portraits I took of me and Chase. I was telling Danny how Chase has no pictures of his mommy and him, because I am always the one snapping the photos! I took it upon myself to get some pictures of the two of know how self portraits go... in any case it was still a fun photo shoot...
Sleeping baby = Smiling mommy
Posted by Kara Elizabeth at 11:55 PM 0 comments
Friday, August 14, 2009
Getting Baptized
On August 9, Chase was baptized at our church, Trinity Methodist. It was such a beautiful service, (with the exception of the air conditioner being broken). Pastor Shelly did a wonderful sermon encouraging all of us to be imitators of Christ and relating to the baptism. We were so glad that all of Chase's grandparents, Aunt Wendy, great grandparents Nanny and Poppy, and Aunt Suzy and cousins Matthew and Mandy were there to celebrate this special day with us!!!
After Chase was baptized the whole congregation sang a song personalized to Chase ---God claims you--- and Pastor Shelly walked him up and down the isle, Chase loved the attention, he smiled the whole time.
It was such a great service. Danny and I are so happy we have Trinity, it's a great place to worship.
On a side note, here is a picture of Chase in a little bonnet that his DeeDee had gotten for him to wear for the baptism. The whole story behind the bonnet is really a neat idea... Chase could wear the bonnet for his baptism and we would keep it in a safe place until he gets married. Then you cut the strings off of it and it turns into a handkerchief that he gives to his future wife to hold on their wedding day. It's a nice thought, and we will still keep it for that purpose but you can tell here what Chase thought about the whole thing....
Posted by Kara Elizabeth at 12:22 PM 2 comments
Monday's with DeeDee
On Monday's Chase gets to go play with his DeeDee while I am at work. This Monday Bobo was in town so he got to get some play time in with Chase as well!!! Chase was pretty excited.
He really thinks his Bobo is funny, we got to hear Chase laugh for the first time when Bobo was making funny faces and noises at him!! It was pretty cute. I got to see it but unfortunately the day he was laughing I didn't have my camera to get a video.
Chase loves to look at himself in the mirror with DeeDee, he always gets the biggest smile on his face.
We are really glad DeeDee is available to watch Chase on Mondays so Danny can get a little rest from working overnight before he has to work again Monday night. And I know DeeDee loves being able to spend some time with her grandson!!!
Posted by Kara Elizabeth at 12:03 PM 0 comments
Chase's first MOAG!!!
Chase got to experience his first MOAG(S) this month. I had never attended a MOAG myself, and I must say it was quite impressive. For those of you who don't know, MOAG stands for "Mother Of All Garage sales", I didn't know the acronym myself until this year but it is pretty fitting. Chase found a few things for himself, as one of Wendy's friends Brooke had quite a few things she was getting rid of from her son. We got a really cool baseball toy that Chase isn't quite old enough to play with, but he absolutely loved the bat...
Chase also enjoyed all the attention he got from his cousin Mark and Aunt Wendy!!!
Posted by Kara Elizabeth at 11:50 AM 0 comments
Monday, August 3, 2009
Growing and Rolling
Chase is now 11 weeks old and is growing growing growing. On the 29th of every month I have been taking pictures of Chase in our rocking chair so I could see how much he has grown. At first I wanted him to get bigger because all he did was eat, sleep, and cry, but now that he is talking and smiling and doing all sorts of cute stuff, I am ready for him to stop growing...
May 29, 2009 June 29, 2009
July 29, 2009
Chase also had a major accomplishment last night when Chase and I went to visit Aunt Linda and Aunt Donna. He rolled over the first time from his back to front. The first time I think it suprised him a bit, but the second time he seemed pretty proud of himself. It's so exciting to watch him learn new things...
Posted by Kara Elizabeth at 6:15 PM 0 comments