Monday, August 3, 2009

Growing and Rolling

Chase is now 11 weeks old and is growing growing growing. On the 29th of every month I have been taking pictures of Chase in our rocking chair so I could see how much he has grown. At first I wanted him to get bigger because all he did was eat, sleep, and cry, but now that he is talking and smiling and doing all sorts of cute stuff, I am ready for him to stop growing...

May 29, 2009 June 29, 2009 July 29, 2009 Chase also had a major accomplishment last night when Chase and I went to visit Aunt Linda and Aunt Donna. He rolled over the first time from his back to front. The first time I think it suprised him a bit, but the second time he seemed pretty proud of himself. It's so exciting to watch him learn new things...