Saturday, May 15, 2010


We had a birthday party at DeeDee and Bobo's house today. It was a lot of fun!!! I can't believe Chase is turning ONE!!! Chase got lots of neat birthday presents and got to play with his cousins, he was so worn out by the end of the party!

Bobo pushed Chase around the house in his new tricycle...

Then Leah pushed her cousin around for awhile..

And Bobo went outside to grill up the hot dogs!!!

After dinner it was time for presents!!!

What's next!?!?

After presents it was time for CAKE! Chase is really into the bouncy balls, so I went to Reasor's and had them make a cake for Chase with bouncy balls... the cake lady said oh sure! We can do that!! Well, it kind of turned out more like a few colored lumps on his cake, but oh well it was still yummy...

Reasor's makes a mini cake for first birthdays, and Chase definitely enjoyed his own personal serving...

After pigging out on cake, DeeDee gave Chase a bath and got him all cleaned up. Then we went upstairs to play a little more before heading home...

Too much cake, and too much one year old celebrating and things can get a little out of control....

I love my family!!! What a fun day!!!