Monday, May 3, 2010

Busy month ahead!!!

Well, last month flew by, and before I knew, I had only posted one thing for April. I am sure that won't be the case for May. Chase turns one here in a few weeks, and he has TWO parties lined up!! Also in May is the Renaissance fair! Danny really wants me to wear the Renaissance costume he got me, but I haven't decided if I can do it... I am sure to post pictures of that event, costume or no costume!

In the meantime, here are a few happenings: Chase and I went to the zoo with Samantha and her son Nathan... we had a great time looking at animals and playing on the playground! I can't wait for our next zoo adventure!

Chase looks upset... but after the slide was done, he had a HUGE smile, I think he was just a little nervous...

Chase has really got a laugh down... here he is thinking Daddy's fake sneeze is too funny. I think Chase even lunges in to try to make Daddy laugh once or twice too!

Here he is playing with some balls and having hysterics at them, it's a little dark but you can definitely hear him cracking up...

What a cutie....


Anonymous said...

Little Chase you are getting SO big!!! I know you love to go to the zoo.

Watching you giggle makes me smile.

love you,

DeeDee and BoBo