Monday, July 26, 2010

New Elmo Chair

Chase climbs on the couch and all of our chairs all the time, so we decided that maybe he would enjoy a chair more his size. We went to the store and put out an Elmo chair and a car chair and let Chase pick which one he liked better. He didn't even give the car chair a thought, he started out just patting the Elmo chair. We asked him if he was sure, and he literally picked the Elmo chair up all by himself and headed to the check out stand... The strength of Chase never ceases to amaze me.

***Chase has one bottle a day, the bottle before bed. We are going to stop that cold turkey on August 1st!! I hope all goes well, it seems to be part of his bedtime routine right now, maybe he will adjust to a night time sippy cup...


Anonymous said...

What a cute little boy in a cute little chair!!! Cant wait to babysit on the 7th!

I love you Chase,
Aunt Suzy

Anonymous said...

Well, it is Aug 2nd. How is the "no bottle" working out? I bet he does find with just the cup at night.

Cute chair for little Chase.

Love, DeeDee