Tuesday, September 22, 2009

4 month doctor visit

No pictures to share, just an update on how the 4 month visit went. Chase is huge... just to get an idea, he is now wearing 9-12 month clothing!! He is in the 97th percentile in weight, weighing in at 18 pounds 14 and a half ounces (why don't we just call it 19 pounds since we are just an ounce and a half away!) He is 27 and a half inches long, which is greater than the 97th percentile, and also 1 and a half inches shy of not fitting the measurements for his current car seat/carrier, guess we will get the next car seat ready to go soon!
Chase did really good with shots, I got a little teary, but he was fine. He was eating a bottle when the nurse came in and he was definitely more upset about having his bottle taken from him than he was about getting 3 shots and an oral vaccination! He was screaming from the moment the bottle was removed from his mouth, but as soon as the shots were done, I picked him up, and he was totally quiet. So we fed him the rest of the bottle, and that was that. He didn't run a fever, he wasn't fussy, it was just a normal day!