Saturday, October 16, 2010

The Castle in Muskogee

We were excited to take Chase back to the castle this year, last year he was too little to even really know what was going on, but this year, I think he had a great time! We didn't do a whole lot there because most of it is stuff to really scare you, but we did go back to the enchanted boardwalk and I think Chase liked most of it!

We were trying to get him to pose by the skeleton, but it was a little too scary...

What are you so happy about mom?? This is scary stuff!!!

He got over it pretty quick and was happy riding around in the stroller...

Here dad! Have a snack! Just open your mouth like this....

So proud of himself, he loves feeding dada...

Yay for Haunted Castle!!!!


Anonymous said...

Looks like you ALL had such a fun time! Cute pictures!!

Anonymous said...

Like I said before, Chase sure does get to do a lot of fun things!!! What a cutie.

love, DeeDee