Friday, October 8, 2010

Fair Time!

We made our annual trip to the Tulsa State Fair and Chase had a blast. He was much more excited about the fair this year... not only because he was older, but it was beautiful weather compared to last year's cold day...

Chase enjoyed playing in the 'kid zone' this year, he pushed cars..

He colored on the official 2010 Tulsa State Fair mural...

He looked at the sand that mommy and daddy would not let him play in...

Giant bubble makers!

On the way to the petting zoo, we were sidetracked by the camels...

There were pigs...



After washing our hands, we headed out to the midway and Chase got to play his first fair game!!!

Pick a duck and win a prize!

Whoo who! ANOTHER ball!

Chase was pretty excited the whole time, swinging his legs and talking to everyone...

For dinner, Chase pretty much ate a whole cheese quesadilla, here is the picture story of how he ate each quarter of the quesadilla...

Strong man... Stuff face...

All gone!!!

Chase had his eye on Daddy's banana shake for some time... and he demanded to have it to wash down his dinner!

Fun times at the fair!!!


Anonymous said...

Looks like Chase had a great time, with the animals AND the food! LOL!