Monday, January 10, 2011

Toddler Bed Tryout

We let Chase try out a toddler bed. He was having trouble sleeping, and I had the bright idea that it was because he wanted out of his crib. He wanted out of his crib alright, he just didn't want to EVER sleep, and the toddler bed made it oh so easy for that! I have come to the conclusion that for those short 3 or so hours that I let him sleep in bed with Danny and I on Christmas eve, he thought he would get to do that all the time if he cried enough. In any case, here are a few photos of his one and only night of the toddler bed. He is now back, HAPPILY, in his CRIB bed, not crying and sleeping through the whole night again.

Helping Daddy put the bed together...

What a big helper!

I think he likes it!

You see that crazed look in his eye? That is the look of someone too young to handle this new found freedom!


Anonymous said...

Glad he is back in his crib and sleeping well. Now, if you could only get him to take naps again!!!!

love, Deedee

Anonymous said...

I DID see the crazed look in his eye!!! LOL!

Love, Suzy