Saturday, December 31, 2011

Christmas Eve with DeeDee and Bobo

Every year we celebrate Christmas Eve with a yummy lunch and then we celebrate Jill's Christmas Eve birthday with an enchilada dinner. We had a great day with all of Chase and Kaylee's cousins!
A Merry Christmas happy girl..

Just finished a yummy lunch!

Chase and Daddy

Bobo with the baby of the family

Bobo loves his grandkids

Time to open presents!!!

A baptism dress for Kaylee

Nana gave me her wedding ring set!

If only he was this interested in helping with Kaylee!

Of course the box is the funnest thing

Nana loving on her youngest great grandchild

The birthday girl and a chair full of kids

Enchilada dinner time!

Ella is such a good babysitter

Bobo comparing the length of Ella's doll with Kaylee

A story from Uncle David before we head home