Monday, December 19, 2011

Hartman Christmas Weekend!

We had a great time this year at the Hartman Christmas weekend celebration. It's so much fun to get everyone together, lots of food, fun, games and just hanging out going on. And it is getting even more fun with all the new little babies that have joined the family.

Cousin Billy napping with the babies, Ezra and Kaylee

Aunt Carol and Kaylee, who is wearing the cute dress Aunt Carol handmade for her!

Santa made his annual appearance at the Hartman Christmas

Chase could have cared less, he said "NOOOO!!! Santa! Don't want it!"

Kaylee took her turn with Santa


What could it be?

Aunt Carol made Chase a new winter hat!!

Rip it open! What is it???

Dinosaur Train!!!

Ezra opening presents!!

I was amazed how good Ezra is with his hands and opening presents, he is only 6 months old!!

Aunt Wendy got her Ipad out and it was all over for Chase, he was glued to it...

Uncle Jimmy and Kaylee

Desteny and Kaylee

Desteny and Ezra