Monday, December 19, 2011

Merry Mingle

When Nana called and asked Chase if he wanted to see Santa he said "YES!!!" He was so excited, and he usually is when he sees Santa on TV or as a yard decoration. At the Montereau,Chase seemed ready and eagerly awaited Santa's arrival...

Kaylee was eager to meet Santa too, but she was more excited for DeeDee to be feeding her...

Once Santa came out and sat down, Chase was not near as happy to see him in person, in fact he was terrified.

Nana however, was very excited to be sitting on Santa's lap.

Maybe next year Chase will do as well as Nana did. We are glad that Chase does not seem traumatized by Santa, he still gets very excited when we watch Christmas shows with Santa in them. However, we probably will not tell Chase that Santa is coming to his house on Christmas Eve, we will just let him know that is who came on Christmas day.